Korean Gao says :
Farewell! Ankhhaf Ganem. You made a great achievement this season. Thanks for your contribution. (09/06/2023 13:08:21)
Korean Gao says :
“过去十年,这 11 家俱乐部中都曾拥有过在世界足坛“有一号”的球员。广州队引进过保利尼奥、罗比尼奥和迪亚曼蒂;海港则拥有过胡尔克、阿瑙托维奇以及现在还在队中效力的奥斯卡;苏宁曾经引进过特谢拉和拉米雷斯;泰山除了现在队中效力的费莱尼,还有意大利国脚佩莱;国安曾拥有奥古斯托、比埃拉;大连人砸下重金引进过卡拉斯科、龙东;申花引进的德罗巴和特维斯轰动过世界足坛;天津天海引进过维特塞尔和帕托;河北队有马斯切拉诺和拉维奇的阿根廷组合;津门虎引进过米克尔和瓦格纳;广州城除了引进过穆萨·登贝莱,还让射手王扎哈维挣得盆满钵满。 (03/09/2021 00:15:56)
Korean Gao says :
2021-8-21(The beginning of Season 31) Club Summary
Player bought cost 119MG
Player sold incoming 174MG
Transferring Net Profit 55MG
The historical highest value player: 16 years old AML Anestis Georgalas (5MG) (21/08/2021 08:17:36)
Korean Gao says :
2020-2-15(The end of Season 26) Club Summary
Player bought cost 80.8MG
Player sold incoming 125MG
Transferring Net Profit 44.7MG
The historical highest value player: 16 years old AML Anestis Georgalas (5MG) (15/02/2020 06:07:37)
Korean Gao says :
送别球会青训头号球星CA10的GK Bohdan Mikulich,https://www.gokickoff.com/team_player_detail.php?player_id=8780235.
砸锅卖铁凑钱搞青训,因为市场球员太贵了买不起啊! (11/02/2020 03:00:22)
Korean Gao says :
Korean Republic: 9:1,8:4,7:8,
Korean DBR: 8:2,7:3,6:5,
Congo: 9:2,8:1,7:9, (08/02/2020 05:31:39)
Korean Gao says :
[f_id]22097[/f_id]LA 10 youth sell (25/01/2020 11:28:27)
Korean Gao says :
1.第一笔百万级别的引援: 年青9潜D C Blaine Butts,出自小国青训营(Antigua and Barbuda),培养4个赛季后,以当时队史最高转会费4.1M离开。
2.队史售出最高身价的球员:M L,AM L Sheng Bo,出自自家学院,培养6个赛季后,以8.1M转会费离开。
3.队史最高价引援: AM L Anestis Georgalas,10潜,出自别人家学院,转会费5M。 (24/01/2020 04:21:12)
Korean Gao says :
(12/08/2019 02:17:50)
Korean Gao says :
รีล มะริด (29/04/2019 08:19:49)
Korean Gao says :
Season 24
球队实力史上最强,向奖牌发起冲击! (26/01/2019 22:03:41)
Korean Gao says :
2019-1-19(The end of Season 23) Club Summary
Player bought cost 57MG
Player sold incoming 89MG
Transferring Net Profit 32MG
The historical highest value player: 16 years old AML Anestis Georgalas (5MG) (19/01/2019 04:55:59)
Korean Gao says :
2019-1-9(The end of Season 23) Club Summary
Player bought cost 52390128G
Player sold incoming 89190000G
Transferring Net Profit 36.8MG
The historical highest value player: 18 years old MC Maddox Overton (2600000G) (09/01/2019 02:22:59)
Korean Gao says :
2018-12-30(The end of Season 23) Club Summary
Player bought cost 52390128G
Player sold incoming 75898138G
Transferring Net Profit 23508010G
The historical highest value player: 18 years old MC Maddox Overton (2600000G) (30/12/2018 03:16:06)
Korean Gao says :
AC Horné Dolné (08/12/2018 08:25:29)