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  Samudh Prakarn rangers (FT)' Bangkok county  
Match ID : 29698905
Date : 13/04/2024 (07:00 UTC)
Venue : Samudh Prakarn rangers Stadium
Weather Forecast : Drizzle
Attendance : 7000
Competition : League(G-612)
Starting Elevens
Match reports

Welcome to the match between Samudh Prakarn rangers and Bangkok county

2'   Pasura Namwong sprinted past Mongkhon Pholdee.
  Neengai Waranyuwat received the ball which was passed wonderfully by Pasura Namwong, Neengai Waranyuwat picked up on the ball before Kosin Wattana could intercept.
  Neengai Waranyuwat knocked a lovely ball for Araya Lertsuridej, Mayuree Hama couldn't cut it.
  Araya Lertsuridej tried to lob the ball at goal but Wattanapong Piandit charged down the shot.

3' The referee reached into his pocket and showed a yellow card to Kwanthawee Thonglao .
  Nakarin Singtong tried to dart past Nakarin Devakula but Nakarin Singtong lost the ball to Nakarin Devakula's block tackle.

4'   Kwanthawee Thonglao made a good pass to Pasura Namwong, Pasura Namwong picked up on the ball before Mongkhon Pholdee could intercept.
  Pasura Namwong easily got past the challenge of Kosin Wattana.
  Pasura Namwong found himself with plenty of time and struck the ball with fury. Wattanapong Piandit approached too late to tackle him.
  Suree Chaiyadej did fantastically well to save and hold the ball.

5'   Kwanthawee Thonglao played the ball long looking for a team-mate but Mongkhon Pholdee came close and blocked it.

8'   Nakarin Devakula had the pace to beat Siriporn Thongwiseth.
  Nakarin Devakula directed the ball to Gaythup Wongsawan, Gaythup Wongsawan took possession of the ball before Nakarin Singtong could reach it.
  Gaythup Wongsawan lost the ball to Siriporn Thongwiseth's block tackle before Gaythup Wongsawan attempted to pass the ball.

12'   Niranrit Thongman tried to twist past Araya Lertsuridej but it failed.

14'   Kosin Wattana moved the ball forward for Mongkhon Pholdee, Mongkhon Pholdee took it in his stride before Rong Vangjan could cut it out.
  Mongkhon Pholdee made an attempt to feed the ball forward to a team-mate but he overhit the pass as he was under pressure from Pasura Namwong.

15'   Niranrit Thongman laid it forward to Panuphong Kraibutr, Panuphong Kraibutr took possession of the ball before Araya Lertsuridej could reach it.
  Panuphong Kraibutr tried to cross the ball low but Sakkaja Karladee showed great composure in intercepted the ball.

18'   Gaythup Wongsawan executed a block tackle on Siriporn Thongwiseth before Siriporn Thongwiseth tried to get onto the pass.

19'   Nakarin Devakula tried to use his skill to go past Siriporn Thongwiseth but failed.

20'   Nakarin Devakula passed the ball to Gaythup Wongsawan, Gaythup Wongsawan took possession of the ball before Siriporn Thongwiseth could cut it out.
  Gaythup Wongsawan tried to get past Nakarin Singtong but Nakarin Singtong block tackled Gaythup Wongsawan.

21'   Piyapol Suttikamol sent the corner kick straight to the opposition.

22'   Kosin Wattana took the ball past Rong Vangjan .
  Kosin Wattana played it past Pasura Namwong.
  Kosin Wattana lost his man and found himself with plenty of room and drove the ball at goal. Chomkate Noivet approached too late to tackle him.
  Kasem Bunkum made an acrobatic save.

25'   Nakarin Devakula tried to lift the ball forward but Sakkaja Karladee cut it out easily.

26'   Sakkaja Karladee played a lovely ball for Araya Lertsuridej, Araya Lertsuridej took possession of the ball before Yihan Sai-ngam could intercept.
  Araya Lertsuridej made an attempt to feed the ball forward to a team-mate but The ball struck Panuphong Kraibutr.

28'   Kosin Wattana tried to hit it long to a team-mate but The ball cannoned off Pasura Namwong.

29'   Mayuree Hama fed the ball forward to Panuphong Kraibutr, Rong Vangjan missed his interception.
  Panuphong Kraibutr directed the ball nicely to Mongkhon Pholdee, Mongkhon Pholdee took possession of the ball before Pasura Namwong could reach it.
  Mongkhon Pholdee tried to move the ball forward but he got too much purchase on it as he was under pressure from Chomkate Noivet .

31'   Poor corner kick delivered by Pattana Trairat that went straight to the opposition.

32'   A long ball was hit up field by Nakarin Devakula,Siriporn Thongwiseth couldn't cut out the pass.
  Yihan Sai-ngam had the beating in the air of Kwanthawee Thonglao , then flicked the ball forward.
  Gaythup Wongsawan delivered the ball to Mayuree Hama, Mayuree Hama latched onto the ball before Chomkate Noivet could reach it.
  Mayuree Hama tried to lay it forward to a team-mate but Kwanthawee Thonglao made a great interception.

33'   Pasura Namwong directed the ball to Rong Vangjan , Rong Vangjan trapped the ball nicely before Mongkhon Pholdee could intercept.
  Rong Vangjan tried to play a long ball but he misjudged the pass as he was under too much pressure from Kosin Wattana.

34'   Nakarin Devakula received the ball which was passed wonderfully by Panuphong Kraibutr, Sakkaja Karladee stretched to intercept but he couldn't reach it.
  Nakarin Devakula delivered the ball in from wide, Araya Lertsuridej couldn't cut it.
  Chomkate Noivet got above Mongkhon Pholdee to win the ball, then headed the ball to safety.

36'   Nakarin Devakula played the ball high to Yihan Sai-ngam, Siriporn Thongwiseth couldn't cut out the pass.
  Yihan Sai-ngam found himself with plenty of time and struck the ball with fury. Kwanthawee Thonglao approached too late to clear the danger.
  Kasem Bunkum gathered the ball safely.

37'   Nakarin Devakula failed in his attempt to twist past Nakarin Singtong.

38'   Chomkate Noivet delivered the ball to Pasura Namwong, Pasura Namwong trapped the ball nicely before Mongkhon Pholdee could reach it.
  Pasura Namwong moved the ball forward for Piyapol Suttikamol, Piyapol Suttikamol took possession of the ball before Kosin Wattana could intercept.
  Piyapol Suttikamol directed the ball nicely to Araya Lertsuridej, Araya Lertsuridej took possession of the ball before Wattanapong Piandit could reach it.
  Araya Lertsuridej found himself in some space and drove the ball at goal. Mayuree Hama wasn't quick enough to clear the ball from danger.
  Suree Chaiyadej failed to save the ball ... Araya Lertsuridej finished a fine move. GOAL!!! ... He was outstretching both arms and running around, changing the angle of his arms while mimicking an airplane !

Samudh Prakarn rangers 1 - 0 Bangkok county

39'   Niranrit Thongman tried to get onto the pass but his possession was lost through a tackle by Sakkaja Karladee.

41'   Sakkaja Karladee sprinted past Panuphong Kraibutr.
  Swerving shot by Sakkaja Karladee from 20 yards but Niranrit Thongman hoofed the ball clear.

42'   Nakarin Devakula tried to play it past Siriporn Thongwiseth but Nakarin Devakula lost the ball to Siriporn Thongwiseth's block tackle.

44'   Siriporn Thongwiseth played the ball high to Neengai Waranyuwat, Nakarin Devakula missed his interception.
  Neengai Waranyuwat tried to deliver the ball to a team-mate but he misjudged the pass as he was under pressure from Mayuree Hama.

45'   Nakarin Devakula tried to get onto the pass but The ball bounced off Siriporn Thongwiseth.

Both teams went in for their half-time break which Bangkok county were unfortunate to go in behind.Samudh Prakarn rangers maintained 43% of possession and 57% for Bangkok county.

46'   Pasura Namwong hit the ball forward to Rong Vangjan , Kosin Wattana missed his interception.
  Rong Vangjan hit a long ball upfield,Mongkhon Pholdee failed to reach the ball.
  Neengai Waranyuwat attempted a looping header at goal but Wattanapong Piandit headed clear the danger.

49'   Panuphong Kraibutr tried to skip past the challenge of Siriporn Thongwiseth but Panuphong Kraibutr lost the ball to Siriporn Thongwiseth's block tackle.

51'   Pasura Namwong had a great opportunity to score from long range but Mongkhon Pholdee gave him no space to manoeuvre.

54'   Araya Lertsuridej tried to get past Panuphong Kraibutr but Panuphong Kraibutr nicked the ball from the toes of Araya Lertsuridej.

55'   Nakarin Devakula used his skill to go past Siriporn Thongwiseth.
  Nakarin Devakula rifled a dipping shot at goal from 20 yards. Nakarin Singtong failed to block the shot.
  Nakarin Devakula got it all wrong sending the ball harmlessly over the bar ... It was an epic miss.

56'   Nakarin Devakula stepped away from Siriporn Thongwiseth and tried to curl one in from long range.
  Nakarin Devakula put it clean over the bar ... It was a poor effort from Nakarin Devakula. He was lacking match sharpness.

58'   Sakkaja Karladee struck a long range piledriver! but Panuphong Kraibutr got in and cleared the danger.

60'   Nakarin Devakula dribbled past Siriporn Thongwiseth.
  Nakarin Devakula passed along the floor for Gaythup Wongsawan to pick it up, Gaythup Wongsawan picked up on the ball before Nakarin Singtong could reach it.
  Whilst still some way from goal, Gaythup Wongsawan tried to lob the keeper but Siriporn Thongwiseth managed to block the shot.

63'   Panuphong Kraibutr tried to knock a long ball forward but it was well intercepted by Araya Lertsuridej.

64'   Nakarin Devakula used his skill to go past Nakarin Singtong.
  Nakarin Devakula tried to cross the ball low but Siriporn Thongwiseth intercepted but couldn't control the ball.

65'   Pasura Namwong played it past Panuphong Kraibutr.
  Pasura Namwong span past Niranrit Thongman .
  Pasura Namwong got clean through on goal.
  Pasura Namwong got behind the defence and had only Suree Chaiyadej to beat but Suree Chaiyadej kicked the ball away.

66'   Niranrit Thongman tried to play a long ball but he overhit the pass as he was under too much pressure from Araya Lertsuridej.

68'   Pasura Namwong attempted to chip the ball forward but he overhit the pass as he was under pressure from Mongkhon Pholdee.

69'   Nakarin Devakula tried to skip past the challenge of Nakarin Singtong but Nakarin Singtong nicked the ball from the toes of Nakarin Devakula.

70'   Piyapol Suttikamol played a wonderful ball for Neengai Waranyuwat, Neengai Waranyuwat took it in his stride before Mongkhon Pholdee could intercept.
  Neengai Waranyuwat had the strength to hold off Kosin Wattana.
  Neengai Waranyuwat moved the ball forward for Kwanthawee Thonglao , Kwanthawee Thonglao picked up on the ball before Mongkhon Pholdee could intercept.
  Kwanthawee Thonglao played a wonderful ball for Rong Vangjan , Mayuree Hama couldn't cut it.
  Rong Vangjan made an attempt to pass the ball forward but it was a poor ball as he was under pressure from Wattanapong Piandit .

71'   Niranrit Thongman played the ball long looking for a team-mate but he got too much purchase on it as he was under too much pressure from Sakkaja Karladee.

74'   Pasura Namwong played the ball to Rong Vangjan 's feet, Mongkhon Pholdee tried to move and pick up the ball but he wasn't quick enough.
  Rong Vangjan smashed the ball towards the top corner from 20 yards but Kosin Wattana cleared the ball.

76'   Nakarin Singtong chipped it through to Neengai Waranyuwat, Mongkhon Pholdee stretched to intercept but he couldn't reach it.
  Neengai Waranyuwat blasted the ball towards the top corner but Mayuree Hama managed to block the shot.

77'   Pattana Trairat swung the corner kick into the box. The goalkeeper punched the ball clear.

79'   Nakarin Devakula tried to dribble past Siriporn Thongwiseth but Siriporn Thongwiseth took the ball away from Nakarin Devakula.

80'   Mayuree Hama tried to dribble past Siriporn Thongwiseth but it failed.

81'   Kosin Wattana passed along the floor for Mongkhon Pholdee to pick it up, Rong Vangjan failed to intercept the pass.
  Mongkhon Pholdee tried to dribble past Pasura Namwong but Pasura Namwong nicked the ball from the toes of Mongkhon Pholdee.

82'   Nakarin Devakula made a good pass to Gaythup Wongsawan, Siriporn Thongwiseth missed his interception.
  Gaythup Wongsawan tried to sprint past Nakarin Singtong but Nakarin Singtong blocked Gaythup Wongsawan in a good, clean tackle.

83'   Nakarin Devakula tried to float the ball over into the area but it was too high for anyone to reach it.

84'   Piyapol Suttikamol lifted the corner kick into the area but it was cleared by the opposition.

85'   Gaythup Wongsawan tried to get onto the pass but Siriporn Thongwiseth cut it out.

86'   Nakarin Devakula tried to play a long ball forward but it was a poor ball as he had been pressured by Siriporn Thongwiseth.

89'   Sakkaja Karladee tried to move the ball forward but he overhit the pass as he was under pressure from Panuphong Kraibutr.

90'   Nakarin Devakula attempted to lift the ball forward but Pasura Namwong intercepted but couldn't control the ball.

End Match Samudh Prakarn rangers 1 - 0 Bangkok county
Match formation























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Match stats
Statistics      Samudh Prakarn rangers Bangkok county     
Shots 3
Shots on target 3
Long shots 0
Possession 43%
Corners 2
Offside 0

Goals      Samudh Prakarn rangers Bangkok county     
from Heading
(include goals from corner)
from Long shots 0
from Free Kicks 0
from Corners 0
from Penalty 0
Efficiency in selected tactics
     Samudh Prakarn rangers   Bangkok county     
Average Ability of players (AAoP)
(Player Ability x ENV)
Creative Freedom
Closing Down
Average performance of players
(AAoP+Efficiency tactics)
Post-match Player Stats

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